Yes.  Jennifer E. Strachan is a trained accredited Legal Assistant/Paralegal professional who has a degree in Law and Paralegal Studies from NYCCT.  Jennifer E. Strachan has a pay for service(s) modus operandi.  Inquire within about rates/costs/fees for services.

Yes.  Jennifer E. Strachan is authorized by the State of New York to do online and in person notarizations. Just let Jennifer E. Strachan know how many document(s) you need notarized and please email the document(s) and the matter will be handled.

Yes.  Legal Assistant/Paralegal Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) has a minor in Business administration Sales and Marketing and many years of experience in Marketing, Consulting, Office Administration, Administrative Assistance, Executive Assistant, etc.  Just ask of and at LDAMS...Jennifer E. Strachan will let you know.

In the case of Missouri v Jenkins, 491 U.S. 274(1989), the Supreme Court ruled that Paralegals/Legal Assistants fees are recoverable at current market rates. Worker's rights without compensation is death!  So formal trained Paralegal/Legal Assisant...Jennifer E. Strachan is no fan student or teacher...or advocate of the untrained "I" and "me"...those "Bad Things Happen People" - as much as it claims itselves as a fan...of! this educated businessowner practitioner.  The fact that its all a badness numbers games wants to do in its illiterate uneducated frenzied brains is connect the dots in a storied negative twisted narrative the same spot...encroaches...and be that same viral hogs village robbers...thieves...whores prostituting themselves...that just robbed single individual educated intellectual property businessowner(s).  According to their tense racist arms house is still existing in the same scripted tense but fact is much time has passed and targeters have accomplished nothing but managed themselves into being the worst of the worst that have since always wanted was to push pass with their basket cases full with vile recklessness and what started with "Blow up the world..." and spent many years having said and doing alot of wrongs in high places  knows no boundaries but howevr each and everyone must eat...!  So it's everything that they said and did...wrong that is the brokeness and deterioration of the taxpayers' bank.  And what it served as food is a mess and its servings all along the way is again now the worst mess.  And that is all not sustainable at...1one. And it fails to MENtion...important parts to it...and that in itselves does not answer nor make demands  

#Aa NOT#ahAH
#one1 is not race nor racist

Small Business Monday...Cyber Monday...Cyber Week...Giving Tuesday...Everyday...24/7/365/366...Shop Small Business

But $33Yr$Trln...thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that make thing$ that...! don't make target and vicey...very vice versa.

Jennifer E. Strachan has and have and is one1 mind/brain for...and of Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan own bu$ine$$.

#aA not #ahAH
#one1 is not race or racist

Small Business Monday...Cyber Monday...Cyber Week...Giving Tuesday...24/7/365/366...Everyday...Shop Small Business

Many people won't answer this question even if it hit them on the heads on a daily!  Are they satisfied with the lives they living?  So when I heard my enemies in all their scripted glory said "Wha is she kNOw" a place...!  No No No...thats not possible...Where did my enemies that makes themselves my enemies...where did they get their math...from?

$33Yr$Trln..."It's not an economic's not something you can rely on"'s's certainly danger for whom the bill tolls...and it's a job(s) killer!

"Not too many people know that" but and however...grow up...move over...and stay in your own lane(s) because:

"It is not about me...I certainlly don't have pit latrines... So I am not the problem."

Today's the day!

IamJennifer Elizabeth Strachan...came in and just breathe...breathing...Jennifer E. Strachan lifeBu$ine$$!

Its no longer "who nose/kNOws!  Time is now: Who kNEW?  Huh?

December 31, 2022 video: 👉  LDAMS 12/31/2022 Video

$33Yr$trln...2023...364 days and on the 365th day...its definitely over...Its been on...but its been over...From finish...Year to year...Through the years...Nothing from nothing still leaves nothing!

Stealthy $33Yr$trln liars bastards...a constant sore thumb for sore eyes are lying in the womb of Brooklyn, NY America collectively twisted psuedo psychological dopey hopey wishers tales does not work...Give hell back its i$hbowl...They have been acting as if "you..." and as if they ever can ""! "They can't give you that" put the trashcan crown back on the garbage dilated dilating constipated heads and put that fi$y smell garbage in its FXi$hbowl!

Thanks goodness on this the last day of 2023...December 31, 2023: As horrible unsustainable economic conditions persisted! Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS still has urgent needs for money, however through her own diligence and work ethics she says and does and could say for herself..."America, thank goodness Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan is not the only one1 who kNEW or nose/kNOws and could breathe easy as made own bed...All the best for 2024...and the years beyond"

IamJennifer Elizabeth Strachan is glad and most happy and proud i've been...since age 17...quite the responsible adult...taxpayer...all her adult life...and "cruising" into retirement.

Congratulations Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan for being the humane human resource resourceful person who Dora Strachan and Christopher Aloysius Strachan created and guided from birth until Jennifer E. Strachan became an adult and have been adulting ever since.

Practicing work-life balance...Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS.

That's it...👇what its said/said/did/does/ all its portions :

US Debt Clock - Money In real time
The building where Jennifer E. Strachan live is mostly destroyed now...The voices are full of boredum in the bedrooms...filled with rumours of still stirring wars...It's not a learning institution...Since and because taxes...debt...IRS:
Nothing moved and moving for Jennifer E. Strachan except Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan ownSelf. Jennifer E. Strachan is definately not the product of environment and is happy being a product of Dora Strachan and Christopher Alysius Strachan...Thanks for this life I am happy I do call my own...while practicing work-life balance.
NO.  Absolutely not!  That is all a the negative!  Liars tell lies.  Their conversations...discussions...libel...slander... have been some constant negative...Liars constantly destroying the building and the land.

Matter of fact the following question comes to Jennifer E. Strachan mind when and since targeted by constant destructive voices of populations that occupy spaces in the building: Does what they do with their bu$ine$$(e$) behind closed doors involve taxes and paying taxes?

Educated vested taxpayer and bu$ine$$owner Jennifer E. Strachan kNOws about the stalemate created from pregnancies in America and what birth...0 to 16 and the 16 to the grave means in lifes that occupied and still currently occupying space overstaying their welcome in the building and the land! Its all too many too much too late and disgusting and its still not a good better best or nice things! And its expensive at the cost of who it all targets. Its rising crimes levels against any one1 target!

$34Yrstrln to their infinite's only "concern" of their many lifes seems to be about the life of the individual they specific identify and targets...And just as yesterday last night today won't end well...again...saying and asking to do most wrongness for... 🙄Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan

That's you all did and doing that put a f**k in it!

I'm done.

Whenever targeted and so I could live my authentic real original and only one1 liveLife, what I need amongst many and all things, I need myself therefore I will need for Targeters to get into themselves...Yes get into it...all their bastardized shamed and embarrassed self-populating crisis...self-inflicted #numbers...lives...all their names...targeters must get into their many populations namesLive$Bu$ine$$e$'s all the things they must do for themselves!

Two2 things are certain: Debt/death and taxes.   However here is a person an individual nameLifeBu$ine$$ who ain't dying for any other person(s)/people sins! not resurrecting the wheel nor furthering their stories and tales and lies and attacks about a Jesus H. Christ that died and dies over and over and over again...for their populations sins.

Always and once again...measurable cycles and cycles...More bad badder worst and worsening news than good! It's just too good to be true.

I'm U.S. resident citizen...born Grenadian...Jennifer E. Strachan...My name and face is on my bu$ine$$ card:

Again?..."Caption this"...Abusive...Non-stop...Prostitution...Criminalistic: "What do you want to talk about?"

Who you think you fooling?...Encounters...OB and pregnant...$34Yr$trln...Happy?

No...Obviously not!

You have and are Breeders...breeding...Encounters...OB and pregnant...$34Yr$trln...unhappy...left with the taboo shame bag...! when and but

You talk badly about Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan nameLifeBu$ine$$...Sole-proprietorship! - as a subject...topic...fault...blame...! Imma leave and pass you all like a uncorrected...failed...failing dangerous prostitutes perfecting prostitution and criminality...common...commoner...commonest entrance and existing exiting exam$$$...!

Got a a rush for more troubles you added?...While you all did and do that, I did and do this...Here is my business card: Jennifer E Strachan d/b/a LDAMS office...I do charge fees for services rendered and rendering of services.

Also follow me on

Jennifer E. Strachan responded: I wasn't advised or informed that I needed such.

Point two2: Ever seen "Familiarity breeds contempt": It's true.

Point three(3): All my targeters are enemies that are cooCoos for cocoa puffs are heavy involved in $exual encounters...OB episodes...breeding...birthing...have and having their lifes that are all crazier...craziest claiming it's looked and "looking for" Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan. It all shows that they feel they have to kill target...for what reasons?...So that all increased and increasing threatening populations can all be who you all "looking for..." to kill? Fools...CooCoo's CooCoo's came from and still staying...going...cooCoo's for cocoa puffs!

All lifes that make lifes are in the process of living lifes and so is Jennifer E. Strachan...involved in doing the one1 the...the only...the real...authentic...identification Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan...NameLifeBu$ine$$...Thanks Dora Strachan and Christopher Aloysius Strachan for IamJenniferElizabethStrachan...born Grenadian...U.S. resident citizen.

Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan have not now or ever registered in any $eX Offenders Registry...nor Alcoholics Anonymous Registry...nor any unnamed and/or unknown registries...and have no involvement or advocacy for such now and/or in the future.

Jennifer E. Strachan is involved in her own life works...doing the necessary good for the life Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan worked and works for...She is always busy in her own breathe...nostril breathing...steady...practicing work-life balance.