We Are On The Record: Unbiased justice knows and acknowledges the difference(s): Not only black and white: Whatever the color(s)!Workers rights without compensation is death! Some are natural breathers breathing. Most are breeders breeding(s) and that is the problems and troubles...plagues that $exist$...! Justice for all and most definately justice for one1! Who's counting?  one1 does. One1 no fools' fool nor fools' tools...nor the only thing as was heard from voices the noise in the AmerIcan market not the sale because: Real American people in "The land of the free and the home of the brave" are humane and set the standards high so that Worker's rights without compensation is death! This website: https://649aef722c999.site123.me/...I maintain for and by me...Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan for all positive benefits for Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS by authorized accredited certified approver Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS.  DISCLAIMER:  Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan maintains, manages and operates Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services™(LDAMS™) website. This web site (LDAMS™) is designed for general information only.  The information presented in this website (LDAMS™) should not be plagiarised, mimiced...and/or construed as formal legal advice, nor does it establish any paralegal-legal assistant/client or customer relationship or legal representation on any matter or for any other matter(s) pending and discussed in "conversations" etc.