12 Aug

"2022...2023 approached...and is almost ended" this bu$ine$$owner exclaimed.  Furthermore time still waits on no one and neither does Owner/Operator/Sole-Proprietor of Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services...Jennifer E. Strachan.

Working for oneself own gold...goals and aspirations requires #one own different level of self-love and self-determination. So no matter what happens...obstacles...interventions of the wrong sorts...whatever it is thats all wrong and not good "for" #one1 but yet they still  "looking..." and references identifies and targets! #one1 business whenever #one1 must look past...walk past...work past all things impossible and just spoke...speak...did and do the only business #one1 has...The business of #one1 own life.  

If you were ever targeted for living working and liking and loving and enjoying doing "you" own life...then you must be doing something good for Thyneself!  

Check it out...its crowded...In their own words and in their own voices they use terms to describe themselves such as:  bred and breeding already...eat sleep repeat...Sh*t and p*$$!  And they feel as if they and theirs can go on and on and on...So in that veins - There went and goes the $32Yr$Trln hiers...The words you all encouraged, directed and wilfully deliberately trained to target and reference...slander!  #one1 Jennifer E. Strachan nameLifeBu$ine$$! and for that you all going to jail.

At some point or another #one1 listened and its always the heard saying: "For you to know where you are coming from you have to know where you at"!  But the #one1 question they asked themselves is irrelavant or no relation to their bu$in$$e$ and  what they say or and what they didn't and don't say is this part: Its not only where you come from and where you going...its where you all at!...You are Liars Lies...and Lies Liars...all been here in your self-made piles of $eXually explicit bodiesPilesBlindspots...attacking and targeting! single individual(s) lifeLive bu$ine$$!  

That is not what Grenada is about and/or for...!  And Americans warned you all too "That is not what America is about and/or for...!  

$eXpiles...majority rules #numbers "failed" target but dishing out an F in Math...don't...can't and don't fix it nor stop it!

I know you all heard one1 suggestion! So do you all math problems yourselves...you ultra costume wearing twerking criminalistic prostitute$...SeXty Vanilli singing but listen: You all need to breed yourselves your own geniuses or send your $eXual blindspot to formal school to become trained geniuses or hire a grade A genius.  Or...ding ding dig...Bugged bugging "I" that have it...the same "I...me" that tagets...maligns and stresses should have taken a hint: "I could do it myself for free" and show appreciation...and repay taxpayers money. 

But its where its at...Them voices...hiers/heirs...$32Yr$Trln...that seek...look...listen and destroying from their trained $32Yr$Trln unsustainable mismanaged belly full of terror training camps blindspot seem to have no end to their targeting. And for that you all going to jail. 

Justice for all who are severally and individual suffering from the pain caused when the sexually irresponsible cause a "struggle" and are wrongfully "given" preference or privilege.  We are on the record.  Thats what court is for. That what jails are for. 

Honorable Americans... honorable citizens...the court of America...The honorable courts...will find whatever targets to destroy and kill taxpayers property and then think it can't be stopped.  Americans will be happy to do its job which is to cure America of the things that ails the American taxpayers.  

Let me know what you think in the comments section. Please remember: Don't forget...if you wanted respect you should have first respected yourselves!  And if you all wanted to be referred to as "nice" then you all should really have been nice in every sense of the word(s)!

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