07 Dec

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Showing you all the darker side of a major problem in this country:  Where does the time go?  And where does the people go? And what does people do with the lives they living?

It's been over 6 years since I've been doing the LDAMS Newsletter/Blog and I'd like to know what are your thoughts. BTW as I'm doing this post, I'm humming the lyrics from Archie Bunkers' theme song Those Were The Days: "Boy the way Glen Miller played...Songs that made the hit parade..."

I could and did inform you all what my thoughts are about things on the more serious side of life as the daily nightmares were all occurring and re-occurring, however I can't say how so many of you came across. I didn't see that part either. Let’s me just be blunt about it as usual! There is no other way of putting it.  And certainly trying to put it on this poster or any targeted individual name life business well then, it hasn't turned out the be the best remedy for all the problems.

And if this poster never wrote and don't write and report about its many years of terroristic abuses...it might have killed target sooner!  Like it or not, waiting for the other side of the choose to drop!  Just like that too!  But alas!

Truth be told, Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a is a working businessowner: Daughter of a beautiful mother Dora Strachan and a loving father Christopher Aloysius Strachan and sibling of eight(8) loving caring brothers and sisters  - enjoys being and doing the lifeJobBu$ine$$ of one1self...Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan: Not a mother...not a father...not a $eX slave...definately never a slave to $eX...and never a $lave to fashion and definately not a follow fashion especially of those that don't support or buy from "the good sister" Jennifer E. Strachan bu$ine$$! 

But sad to say they are carrying that birds of a feathers' flock altogether they're a $eXforce1 mentality...a force that always be reckoning.  "That is not economic policy"...none can't rely on it...it's unsustainable...and it's definately not any target economy. 

It's a dangererous package...from both of them...Lurked and Lurking for whom it tolls!

So, Who knew: parts of the package...the sperm egg and spermEggThing was this that it and what part each decided in each own role. Did the sperm want that or this? Did the egg take that or this and then they have it but when it targeted it attacked viciously with the hissing sounds of that!...but it's all a site/sight...heirs/hiers..legs..from that...And with that amount of deplorable population intensified and intensifying against one1 person name life business when it rallies it selves up to "come on little girl"...since the warning that "That little girl downstairs does act up"...And now it’s still trying to be that act up voicing it's weirdoism "come on weido" as a horrible  comeback kid...its only intents and purpose to target to death the personNameLifeBusiness who it targets...an attack similar to last night worst news again...wherein a thief was removed from a store but came back...went back into a Macys store only to kill one1 security guard and injure another.

What you saw, you see, you know...: Some people...Many people want to have their cake and eat it too. But some individuals are smarter than all that making it glitters is not gold...online...offline...domestic...international! Thank God almighty this is America...We are on the Record...worldwide.

You all f*ed around and found out. The world is not so big after all is said and done what it have said and stayed doing. Noisy Noisy Noisy...Expletives! 

Today's the day!

Where they make them things at? Why they make them so? Why they keeping them so? 

Birther$cammers, if you all don't put them monkeys' bastards away, this poster don't know what to say about you all that I haven't already said that you all haven't already tuned into listen to hear me say what many before have shook hands about, fact is: the noise in the market is not the sale. 

As much as was stolen from any target and peace was distrubed, the whoremongerers' warmongerers and all its roomers rumours of war all goes around and went around and came back ten times worst on the targeters. The things about bad is that they can't heal themselves and no amount of money can't and don't do them any good since they have been so bad...horrible! 

"You..." can't make those things up and Hannibal Lecter ain't have nothing on them worst cons $eXual criminalistic psychology

That...this..it...Exposed packages...yet a mystery filled with unknown sperm...They have made it in America...thats making America the worst bred and breeding swamp that breeds wild emotions and/or weirdly emotionless...!  But let them have it...let them eat their own patty cake...Not only just do it...Put on them $33Yr$Trln belLie$$$$ swelling BingoDrawer$$$On...suXXXXXXitUp and quit trying to counter the good decent honest taxpayers' nameLifeBu$ine$$.

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