13 Nov

Not just saying aging eyes...aging ears...aging body...human!          

Fact of the matter is person(s)...people...humans do age and the eyes...ears...bodies are successible to deterioration.  As an avid fitness and gym enthusiast, this poster knows that even if and when you're doing your best to maintain and practice good wealth health and wellness and high esteem the fact is second-hand deterioration happens and that "my friend(s)" is not a good thing, especially when all went and goes non-stop bump in the night...day...whenever there are impulses...actions not controlled by any one1 person place or thing.  And truth be told, no one1 person place or thing controlls it all.  Each and everyone1 is responsible for one1self.

As the case is with second-hand smoke...There is still second...second-hand HIV...Second-hand this...Second-hand that...Second-hand it...Second-hand the other...Second-hand Corona...Covid19.  "Why are people that make people playing with people(s)/person(s) life(s).?" is not a topic or subject this poster wishes need want or desire to study...learn.  If what you have done with your life(s)/live(s) and are doing with your life(s)/live(s) is what you wanted and want...to do with your precarious going downhill fast deteriorating lives/lifes...then do that...and that's what you all did...However please keep your germicdal suicidal selves to your germicidal suicidal selves!         

EveryOne1 eyesight ages and then when six degrees of separtion deterioration non-stop loud intentions doing the targeting hurls its voices when raising its many ugly heads voices, it quickly deteriorates the person(s) within distance ears affecting the individual's hearing. Over long periods of time those polluting deteriorating factors is certain case for the courts.  As sure as target was picked on for so long...Now its a case ripe for real courts.     

With such guests that are tenants but even that...pay their rent...they didn't and don't do proper.  The USA national debt is too damed high! and innocent person(s) and people(s) were looked at and blamed or faulted for things we...I honest goodness know not about.  And at this point and time don't care to.  And with such sexually promiscuous  guests that are hired to "work" but even that...they didn't and don't do proper because they never leave their personal responsibilities ladened with attitudes at the door where they all made their entance and exit.  Matter of fact their promiscuous capacity encroach on the neighbors' property and they do trespass against this poster and so much more.

America: Similary - Where they want Americans to go?  What they want Americans to do?  !...! What we workers and taxpayers such as this authentic poster witnessed and suffered are the attacks against life(s) and property and the total destruction of society wherein we honestly correctly work and build.

Jennifer E. Strachan is not just saying "that".  They are everywhere and employers that have them are employing mask wearing self-defacating deterioration are continuoisly endangering themselves.  Employers must keep watchful proper track of its employees that are on its payroll because appearance in court might be coming sooner than its done the ultimate act. For they have things that are deteriorating neighbors life(s) and property that has been reported and will be reported.  And trust and believe this poster know the courts are already full with such cases.

Fact of the matter is such deteriorating destructive behaviors must end immediately for the best of society. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  But with so much fools foolish $eXual criminalistic crowded heads full with fools gold "food for thought"...that's the way the proverbail cookie crumbles! And trust and believe this poster know the courts are already full with such cases.    

And ridiculously its said "there's a season for everything" however this poster noticed that the badness that wrongfully encroaches and "push back" are the threats against individual life and property.  Its all risks that never stopped or stops...matter of fact...it only gets or as it says "gat" worst and worsens...the increasingly negative promiscuous deterioration numbers keep increasing against any lone one1 and only target surrounded and targeted in a frenzy narrative tale of a Jesus H. Christ on cross for targeters sins.  

And Jennifer E. Strachan already took it to the Lord in prayer on cross  since its clock started clucking...$33TrlnYr$ ago. Separate church and state...and this is separate...human...individual rights. 

And "Why are you all targeting me" is not a question this poster would ever ask or should ever ask when there's is an entire deplorabe swamp village that knows that their wrongs...their problems are all their faults since the targeters clock started "looking..." while cLucking...for as long as hell have been roasting in population hell making population hell and targeting single heaven.

America...we pray goodness Gods bless each and every target ever targeted and still being targeted too.

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