09 Sep

Good News and Bad News!  More Bad News Than Good News!

Summer2023 came and passed...its over...Its been over!

America...literally..."There's some whores in this house" beared and bearing fruity loops...weirdeness! but they must let target(s) know when they all having $ex and breeding expensive thing$ that they put to target  and defame...slander...libel the nameLifeBu$Ine$$ of the hands that fed...clothed...shelter them!  Its national debt material$ things breeding on their backs that then tries to pile onto the backs of "for who the bills toll" not told!  It$ all full liar$ paradise with a huge pricetag!  Risky for..and to health and wealth and prospertity of any target!  Many who have eyes witnessing wrongs have went and gone the ways of wronger going wrongerer...!

Targeters have started practicing perfecting targetism and they are now full fledged targetism perfectionists wherein none of them ever tells themselves: Work for what they want need and require and please stop stealing from and killing innocent educated taxpayer(s).   

Let them just for a moment or more think when they...kill individuals and hurt or kill their targetism population that they would expect for the best but hmmm too late was their cries! Too late!

All that aside and despite the hardships caused when constantly targeted and for being human in self-love and self-like and need for food, gas, light shelter...human necessities...money included...Jennifer E. Strachan...intellectual property busine$$e$ owner sole-proprietor is busy @Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS).  

$32Yr$Trln...crowded background voices...bodies full of "work" in $ex perfectionist$ involved in actions doubling down in targetism that slanders...libels...defames and threatens to kill the name life and business of individual taxpayer(s) person(s) its was directed to aim for when targeting.  

Targeted remember: Time and place for everything therefore $32Yr$Trln...If its not broken don't...fix it!  

The see/sea/c ain't have no such fishes or "whatever"! So in thi$ country's targeters that have targeted for their birthing enrichment...$32Yr$trln and announced themselves looked..."looking for..." except they have failed miserably. Again oil and water don't mix and still blood thicker than water. 

Sole-Proprietorhsip...Intellectual property...head on the body in motion...Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan does what Jennifer E. Strachan does best because Jennifer E. Strachan have needs requirements and wants the best for Jennifer E. Strachan.

Trust me...I'm the best at what I do and if hired could help the blind...!  Any good reputable employers hiring? Hire LDAMS...Correct is Right .          

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