12 Oct

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS September 2023     Newsletter/Blog/Article


I me u... We hear those words echoed in America...the echo chamber that it is...but who...or what does it do?  Watch what they have done and do not what they say!   

They like meddling in other peoples bu$ine$$.  Its what they have been doing in America and they travel doing that injustice too!  Any untangled nationale of any nation in their eyesViews is a "target" to preyers preys.  

However we kNOw best...we didn't come here for their wildchilds' demonic commandments!  For they are as dunce as they came and are coming...looked...looking...ask...say...the talk...do...And they are all targeters that have failed and fell short of the glory...a glorious day! 

Where they at? Here$$$$...!

What they doing?: They Heir$$$$...!

What they have?: Heir$$$$...!

What they made/makes/making?: Heir$$$$...!

What they doing? Heir$$$$...And on...heir$$$$$$$$$$...$$....!

The richness that are here keeps getting richer...its all the noise in the market is not the sale...its the stoles of $32Yr$Trln that are still to this day and night trying to get in the way of other persons bread and butter.  

I saw them as recent as October 5th.  They are still doing the oldest trade in the book...Prostitution.  I took an early morning Uber and saw them on the Brooklyn streets...Many of them...Mothers of the terrorism that targets single individual LifeBu$ine$$.  Doing their dooooo....And killing others persons with it and for its failures...Like...go fix your beds ho$$$$...!

Target ask thyneself:Is it all good better best great...excellence? And the answer my friend is blowing in the wind.  It reeks with the tales stale bastardised messy pissed pee!  Shame and embarrassment reign of terrorism that explodes and recently as this week in history October2023 it exploded again in the middle east.  

That sort of outbursts happens in America where idealogs have festered a sort of free reign society as they wanted and still want hopes dream and wish for thiers!  Its an unfairness that keep robbing the nations taxpayers however it can repeat is lessons in crash course only if advocated and allowed.

America is not that sort of place and neither are the American people.  And neither are the people who are living here in civil discourse.  

We kNOw targeters are here to suck the life blood out of each ad every decent hardworking educated taxpayers of the nation on every level.

"You gotta see it" Huh? NO thats not true.  Fact is: The beasts don't have to bite you twice to kNOw avoid it like the plague it is!  

Thyneself must breathe...breathing thyne #1one own lifeBu$ine$$.

If "she left? What she say?  What she do?..." : 

No...All are dying!  Because they made their $32Yr$Trln debtbed doesn't mean target owns it...or anything near or dear!  

No No No...! Try as they all might...because its always begged to target but  Target ain't dead yet! 

Furthermore why since birtherscammer$$$...made and create$ fools of themselves why is any1one become a target?  Shamefully none can't answer themselves!  For they say...talk the talk of "you" kNOw the answer and they have the question(s) for and about "you".  Everything it seems hung and hangs on "you..." the #one1 single individual nameLifeBu$ine$$ its looked and "looking..." with stuck fanatics sights.

Scams like that popped up and are popping up everywhere...Their$ show have been $32Yr$TrlnDebtset on trying to distrub the like the peace the love...the civil discourse and therefore kill target by using the wasteful targetism numbers doing the wasteful targetism dance and sounds...Its birtherscammers that all set the debt...are debtset...and have been debt/dead to #1one!  *Butter...All targeters are debt/dead to target!

Does target have child/ren or do child/ren?  Thats a huge kNOw kNOw.  "She can't have good children"...Because for $32Yr$Trln...the most money hungry incestful neoptism population bastardized inciteful deplorable swamp pool have made and created for themselves have sucked the eggs right out of target ears! Target haven't been and isn't the jokings and joqueens court jesters full with bastardised taboo jealous malicious evil wickid illiterate dunces...Wrongs...What goes around went around!  

This #1One right here...correct is right...is for thyneself...breathing the life bu$ine$$ I love...living the lifeBu$ine$$ I am...Love is life and life is living...very special.

This is America...We Are On The Record.

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