23 Feb

$34Yr$Trln have their books closed!  Good...best believe their still open for their bu$ine$$(e$) though...keeping their appointments...doing their bu$ine$$(e$)!

Consequences are: 

Posted job openings shows salaries are at an all time low because the cycles are riding their very own biased unjust rampant sickening epidemic narratives!

Homelessness has increased because of the man-made migrant crisis at the borders near Mexico and the self-increasing self-inflicted wounds from old immmigration sex slaves birthing populations in the building that have been targeting my single sole-proproetorship intellectual progerty bu$ine$$.

Still the land of many opportunties but:

Not lost is the fact...America is land opportunity...no immigrant who came here 34Yr$Trln ago must not be caught by the systemic ruthlesness or trapped in deplorable crisis cycles/psychos still attempting to kill thyne neighbor(s).  And the old and new immigrants cannot be given the benefits...the life(s) of the taxpaying workers of the nation.  No...Not with my taxpaying money!

You see you!:

You see you!  You heard you!  You with all ruthless thyne storylines attacktile voices to its fullest...spoke and speaking constantly increasing and talking about sizes small...and big...huge...large...its talk of $ex for money...prostitutes constantly prostituting thyneselves the message to you all is: Stay away from Jennifer E. Strachan.

Increasing Self-Inflicted Wounded Populations:

You have $exed...birthed your bastions and directed it to target! Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan before and it seem haven't found what you have been "looking for..." So you all are again doomed to be the $exual self-inflicted irresponsible keepers of the taboo bastionship cycles again...no fault of any target ... no! The reason is its because you are noisy nosy $eX dummies that steal$ time and money and destroys!

Life...Everybody...everyone1 have one1:

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