30 Dec

    LDAMS Newsletter/Blog -2023 - End of Year Edition πŸ‘πŸ‘

Every year is an opportunity to...the opportunity of life...each one1 own lifetime!  

Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan LiveLife is an only opportunity created from my mother Dora Strachan and my father Christopher Aloysius Strachan...so I'm thankful for life and does for myself...to the best of my own ability.  

Time is an opportunity(s) that each individual person chose and choose to do or to not do.  Decisive responsibilities and obligations led/lead person(s)/people to do what each have done and will decide present and future decisions.  

How was 2023? How was...?  

Introspective approach from this Sole-Proprietorship single folk here at Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS):

2023: The calendar...and the clock on the wall and the watch on my wrist took not any break(s)! 

With this reality in mind...Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) works and walks the way of this Sole-Proprietorship...taking ownership as a practicing professional...Owner/Operator/Sole-Proprietor...LDAMS...multi taskings and practicing work-life balance.

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) experienced quite a number of dreadful hurtful things...things that were stacked so high and so long that all added to and increased  what one1 two2 eyes could not see and one1 two2 ears could not or dare not listen!  

Second hand smoke is a real bad thing and so too second hand germs from spreaders of germs...and rumours of war(s)...deterioration is a horrible thing, person(s)/people <>  #BeAware  

 All are for a time.  Persons(s)/people no matter where you come from...dies and are dying.

#Facts are important and matters and necessary #Truth is important and matters and necessary and therefore #money is important and matters and necessary.

Nonetheless, the debtful voices noise in the market asideπŸ‘Ž   

Another year, another birthday, a year older and wiser.  Say it like it is...cost it what it will but! Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS did remarkably well for herself considering the very same unrelenting markets and all its numbers games that can't seem to get their ducks in a row.

The markets...with its subsequent broadcasts on the line would like or prefer to treat and trick taxpayers that any one1 of U.S. is a God...so at any moment they that call themselves "a boss" can give just a huge conceptual twisted turn making "you..." the way for them...a new Jesus H. Christ Lord God that through "you..." somehow or the they can convert a single person into the latest versions of their congregation beliefs or psychology and ideologies that festers in places such as example: A Newer beginnings New Newer Newest Concrete Jungle Tabernacle Old Bible New Testament Constitutional Flatbush Church Avenue Brooklyn Apostile...LLC...Political Party that all church mouses are increasingly mysteriously loud "resting" their cases of spitting images while they sleep walks and sleep talks through intercoursal taboo thunder lightening brimstone and fire as they put in time threatening the name(s) they targeteds!  

Single black woman...female...lady...U.S. resident citizen...born Grenadian...Jennifer E. Strachan did and does exactly who Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan is.

However deviously sad as it were and always is!  Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan did...and does all tasks for Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan! and as a side note😏took the restless heavy hitters ballers markets to church earlier...and reports it since its concepts began and as long as it's all on the line...online...offline...long rope hung and hangs itselves..."That's still not a nice thing".

This December2023...end of year newsletter/blog is part of Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS filings...and reports of the goings ons...the news that you will only see and read this here!

😎 See you all in #2024! uh hu ... then again...who...or what you all foCUSSIN on? Who that cap fit let them wear it!   

Thank God Thi$ i$ America...We are on the Record .  

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