08 Jul

Its official: 2023 is halfway done and such is Live/Life! Many ... one1 country...USA!  That's what makes America the greatest country!

There is a rose in America...New York...Brooklyn...Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan...daughter of Grenadian Dora Strachan and Grenadian Christopher Aloysius Strachan.

Jennifer E. Strachan celeberated 38 years graduate status on June 25, 2023 and just achieved new recognition from #Marquis Who's Who!

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) is doing and living life immersed in own life bu$ine$$ without fear or favor dutiful in expressing the facts of life and one1 stark blinding non-binding naked truth: Money is a necessity and because money is necessary therefore truth and facts is important and matters and necessary.  Correct is right!

Just like the days of the week...It$ official:  Facts and truth must never remain unsaid or unrecorded because at the end of the day each and every taxpayer who was ever cheated out of honest wages when need it the most know that, and honest Americans will agree: that all the wrongs of the past must ever happen again to any single inividual taxpayer. That mischievous devilish...obeah voodoo...mentality that some "we..." did...it must never happen again to any single individual educated working boy girl woman man...! 

$32Yr$Trln stolen...$pilled milk from the devils idle legs...Was it enough?...is it going to be enough? 

Rough journey during encapsulated time warp, however: Jennifer E. Strachan crawled through it...crept through it...walked through it...ran through it...run through it...mediated through it...studied through it...exercised through it...relaxed through it...keep working through it and at nights slept and sleeps through it all!

Because immigrants  that built its mothers country foundation in time warp sexual encapsulation tyanny targeted with the script "waiting...for me"...but its was and is not! My mother and father...Dora Strachan and Christopher Aloysius Strachan milk...! so I didn't and don't drink...eat it like a lap dogs' feast!  

When preyed on! -   I...Jennifer E. Strachan pray for myself, my siblings and reflect in introspect and respect while I do my own life...job...bu$ine$$ the best I could.  

Minus the eras of errors and deliberate willful tyranical psyche of immigration loaded motherhips, Jennifer E. Strachan did and must do Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan own best self with every breathe in Jennifer E. Strachan own body!

Has any judge or jury ever told the parties obligated and responsible for the $32Yr$Trln me$$: "yea I saw/see and hoard/heard why uall  targeting and want to kill target"? See the thing is "does act up" already done did act up...It$ criminalistic record is now time warped...encapsulation...encapsulated...It official!  We are on the record...and the record is prepared!

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (LDAMS) watched people of all races and discourses come and go and said and did as they like and love...wanted...in and for their live/lifes...voices behind closed doors bu$ine$$(e$) all with the 1one things bearing its commonality...lifes was happening behind those doors...there are things bearing...populations...with other so called "candidates"! It$ what happened shamefully LIVE during the national debt catastrophe!

Dutiful...Mindful...peaceful Jennifer E. Stachan never blocked them...or stopped them..."you can't stop that"..."you ain't want that"...No...Let it go and it manifested...negatively...and "they can't give you that"! Least they thought or think target LiveLife peaceful pace was or is too slow for their types of lazzez faire populated bu$ine$$(e$) that attacks from its scandalous mouthsful.

So what they ate make them...and what they make ate them that have the package thought and thinking that they can use it to block target blood...flow? What sweet in goats mouth does sour in its bambam indeed! Obviously lies told and telling lies on itselves amongst itselves but its heard and seen and so because for as many wrongs as they have said and done...their record is long and their days are numbered...The noise in the market is still not the sale pluse they days are numbered!  #Facts!

$32Yr$Trln immigration targetism time warped script in encapsulation...asking itselves...but don't they think they know?!

United States of America, monitor the hell out of it and I will keep an Ieye on it as per the usual old $32Yr$trln m.o.!

"I cannot afford to waste my time making money."

Multi Services | Legal Document Assistance & Multi Services (ldams) | New York (jenniferestrachan.wixsite.com)  {view LDAMS old website}

Difficult as it all was...! Had to get that all out the way!  Its been out there since forever!  However

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS works to achieve the things in life Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan need want and require.

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS livng life in Jennifer Elizabeth Strachan own breathe pace!


#jenniferEstrachan38YearsOfGraduation #jenniferEstrachanHonoredListeeMarquisWhosWho

https://649aef722c999.site123.me/ {view LDAMS new website}

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